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2010-02-02, 15:34
版面: 伸引初探二 :頸項及足踝
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 50
觀看: 97213

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy,  Betty.. I started with 18 swings for the first 3 days then start to do 24 swings. It is better, less dizzy when i dun concentrate on what i am looking at during the swing before i look back up into the mirror on each stop (back to side/shoulder). The stretches becomes less tense each time i...
2010-02-02, 15:30
版面: 個人研習班
主題: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論
回覆: 31
觀看: 64649

Re: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論

Hi Amy,   Betty..  I get shaky legs from doing V.Leg. My thighs are sore, and my lower body shakes while i lift. I take 6 breathes inbetween each lift. I try to concentrate on the stretch, once i reach my limit, i concentrate on my breathing and try to focus in my vagina, thinking of stirring up my ...
2010-02-02, 15:25
版面: 淋巴引流 :胸部及上肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 46
觀看: 94410

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy,  Betty.. One night, I sweep my upper body, as I missed it in the morning. When pumping my underarms, I have a stronger feeling of relief than before. It must have been really jammed. After my left side, I paused to take a look at myself in the mirror. I was quite noticeable that my left side...
2010-02-02, 14:34
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 318931

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy,  Betty.. Have been keeping up with sweeping my face day and night. My mood seem to be less down. My pupils seem more round than before, even my eyes were puffier than before. Sweeping lightly and gently, feeling the coolness seeping through the tracks left by my hands on my skin. Though the ...
2010-02-02, 10:27
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 122425

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy,  Betty.. Each morning when I look at my lower body in the mirror, I can see especially my hips are getting less swollen. During last night's sweeping, the bottom of my feet was soooo sweaty, it's yuck! I had to wipe my hands before i sweep my knees. Remember to put a cotton towel by your sid...
2009-09-26, 16:12
版面: 集體訂購
主題: 多元豆蜜 + 有機香薰油
回覆: 8
觀看: 18289

Re: 多元豆蜜 + 有機香薰油

Hi Amy!

I want to order TWO bottles!!
Thank you!! :twisted:

2009-09-24, 11:31
版面: 個人研習班
主題: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論
回覆: 31
觀看: 64649

Re: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論

Amy, Kiss your knee: while doing it, my legs are soooooooooo shaky!! I am so worried that i will fall to the side and flat onto the ground. I tried breathing deeper, the legs shake harder lol. Realising the head let loose and fall onto my knee/thigh relaxes my upper body more. With each bend, my bod...
2009-09-24, 11:24
版面: 大掃除: 灌腸
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 62
觀看: 107023

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Hi Amy, I want to apply for this class coz I wanna help my body cleanse my insides better. Reading others' posts, it has once again remind me that my 'not-up-to-best' facial colour/ apparence, skin condition and weariness is due to the accumulated toxins inside me. I wanna get them out!! My poo poo...
2009-09-24, 11:05
版面: 融脂周記
主題: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey
回覆: 211
觀看: 375805

Re: 102 多元豆蜜 Multi-purpose mung honey

Hi Amy, Thank you for introducing me to Multi-purpose Mung Honey! Now i know that my black heads can be cleansed without squeezing them and pores can be effectively minimized! Quite amazing! even though the whitening effect is not as obvious as using mung bean powder mixture (a concoction taught by...
2009-09-12, 21:16
版面: 個人研習班
主題: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論
回覆: 31
觀看: 64649

Re: 舊學員個人研習班:內容.功課.討論

Amy...   Betty..    this is a hard one to name.. so for now, it's going to be.. Kiss your knee:   Good. :wink: Sit on a chair pushed against a wall to be safe, allowing your legs to be bent at 90 degrees and placed shoulder width apart. This is the starting position. Then starting with your left fo...