有 2 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

2006-07-31, 13:42
版面: 大掃除:疏肝
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 69
觀看: 129835

I had been practice the liver exercise for 7 weeks. For the first 3 weeks, there are only 1 to 2 acnes. However, since the past 3 weeks, there are many acnes, first appear on the forehead for few days, then around the mouth for more few days. Now there are acne near the ear and both cheek. It is ver...
2006-06-20, 23:00
版面: 大掃除:疏肝
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 69
觀看: 129835


Dear Miss Cheung, Ling Ling I have attend the 疏肝 course in June and have do it every night. Sometimes after dinner for half an hour, then I do the 疏肝, any bad effect? As I remember we cannot eat one hour before the course start. It's better to do it on empty stomach. Doing it on full stomach is not ...