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Tse Sze Wan
2009-01-10, 12:21
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 121404

Re: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論

Dear Amy - Tse Sze Wan.. I will be taking the lesson this upcoming week. Am hoping to be able to reduce the water retention in my hips and thighs, which feel tight. Am also hoping that with a better lymphatic system, my feet won't feel so cold all the time. 準備好自己來上課。 :wink: 堂上時用心聽講、回家後乖乖地依法練習,通過練習與身...