有 2 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

2023-01-19, 00:30
版面: 心心相印
主題: 427 主子 Sovereignty
回覆: 6
觀看: 4096

Re: 427 主子 Sovereignty

https://www.amyc.info/Images/52.746.05.01.png Amy, I am smelling my aroma locket all the time to keep me grounded and have my Happy End Result on my heart, taking massive action. Got my first intuitive coaching client 😃 慧儀把上文翻譯如下,讓大家都可分享Unicornguardian通過香氣達成願望那份雀躍 :D Amy ,我常常嗅吸(主子)香扣的香氣幫助自己踏實、內心緊記著...
2023-01-15, 14:05
版面: 心心相印
主題: 423 前赴後繼 On the Trot
回覆: 3
觀看: 3821

Re: 423 前赴後繼 On the Trot

Wanna share my magical experience with essential oil back last July. I have been having mom brain issues, my toddler Lily takes up a lot of my time and energy so does her brothers. Coffee makes me anxious if I take too much. The other habits I have aren't much better for keeping me focused. Amy gave...