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2011-06-09, 21:26
版面: 融脂周記
主題: 130 跟身礦泉 Bring your own mineral water
回覆: 64
觀看: 125434

Re: 130 跟身礦泉 Bring your own mineral water

Hi,   mari.. Want to know what is the plastic in use? Just worry as it is going to be use for a long time with water. 我請教了礦泉壺公司的王經理,她說礦泉壺塑膠物料為聚脂乙稀(PET),是由德國進口的安全食用級物料。 I bought one recently and found water comes out from the blue parts instead of the filter wholes at the bottom of the white cone whi...