有 4 筆資料符合您搜尋的條件

2007-02-22, 13:11
版面: 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 215
觀看: 318507

差不多二個星期,今天早上還在床上, 躺着, 睡眼惺忪的摸摸臉, 發現面部的皮膚收緊了, 彈彈下,感覺多好 :lol: , 便繼續做淋巴引流。

睡覺前我會對著鏡子做, 但是早上實在起不了床, 請問躺在床上作淋巴引流可以嗎?

那就要看您是想事半功倍還是事倍功半了。 :)
2007-02-06, 14:28
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 122277

Hi Amy, Vicky..

Since it's better to do 淋巴引流 :面部及頸項 before we clean our face, should I do 淋巴引流 臀部及下肢 before I take a bath?

還記得我們可以怎樣促進淋巴的流動嗎? :wink:


vicky Amy..
2007-02-03, 22:52
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 122277

it's 2 weeks already, unfortunately the measure remains unchanged. As I also learnt 面部及頸項 this afternoon, I'm wondering if my speed in doing 臀部及下肢 is too fast and love is not enough!! So I did it a bit slower and tried to put more heart & passion to my body and will see if there's any difference. Th...
2007-01-25, 22:18
版面: 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢
主題: 講座內容及時間表;功課及討論
回覆: 58
觀看: 122277

I practiced 淋巴引流 :臀部及下肢 twice at night time. So far I feel that my legs are much warmer, it's really amazing. Also, it seems they're less heavy !! Take measurements as suggested during the class. Don't just feel the improvement, convince yourself with figures. :wink: When I share my experience and y...